"What could be the most satisfying aspect of the film is seeing exactly how meth takes over a body and knowing that the drug’s destructive powers are enough to never, ever let myself, or any friend, put lips to one of those creepy pipes."
- Philly Weekly

METH HEAD was a struggle to get made both from a financial and a physical standpoint.
But through it all we said if the film saved one life then it will have been worth it.
Three days after the first screening of METH HEAD, we got a call from an audience member. She thought we should know the film had saved her 17 year-old daughter's life. They had attended the screening and afterward her daughter broke down and confessed she was using meth. The film mirrored her own journey into addiction so strongly that she knew if she didn't get help she'd become like one of the addicts in the film. This mother was shocked. She had no idea her daughter was using drugs, let alone Meth. There was no obvious sign of her addiction - no picked or sallow skin, no rotting teeth, no weight loss, no edgy behavior. In actuality she looked like a beautiful, healthy teenager. But in secret she had been living the very dangerous, risky life of a meth user for about 6 months, with her habit becoming more and more desperate by the day.
The mother got her daughter into a teen program. Once she made it through rehab she went back and pulled her best friend from the brink, as well. Today they are both clean, sober and productive young ladies. Since then we've been contacted, emailed, tweeted at and FACEBOOK messaged from other addicts who saw the movie and were compelled to seek help. Many other ex-addicts saw themselves in the film and focused on our message of compassion and healing. The film has proven to have the power to help and we want to amplify the power of this film 100 fold, by reaching into communities and schools around the country.
We offer a dynamic speakers program to enhance your event! Whether you want one of the experts to facilitate a Q&A with the audience or sit on a panel with members of your community, we’ve got you covered. Check out the bios on the SPEAKER'S PAGE for more information about who is available. Pricing for each speaker depends upon speaker and travel considerations. We also can offer a Q&A via Skype. Please fill out the form and someone will contact you to discuss.